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Configure Excel Services 2010 for data refresh

1. Go to Start, then SharePoint 2010 Central Administration2. Under Application Management, click on Manage service applications3. Click on Secure Store Service (the application, not the proxy)4. In the Edit tab, click New.  In the subsequent page, use the following values:Target Application ID: ExcelServicesAppID_1Display Name: Excel Services App ID 1Contact Email: administrator@contoso.comTarget Application Type: GroupTarget Application URL: None5. Click Next. 6. On the next screen, use the field defaults and click Next7. On the next screen, enter the following values:Target Application Administrators: (enter your user or users such as –  Contoso\Administrator; )Members: (i.e.  Contoso\Domain Users;)8. Click OK.  It may take several minutes before the system returns you to the screen listing the Target Application ID.9. After the Target Application ID is created, select the checkbox next to ExcelServicesAppID_1, and click Generate New Key in the ribbon.  On the next screen, enter in the Pass Phrasepass@word1into both entry boxes. Click OK.10. Again on the screen listing the Target Application IDs, select the checkbox next to ExcelServicesAppID_1, and click Set Credentials in the ribbon.11. On the next screen, enter the following names into the fields: (NOTE: this user must have access to the cube, i.e. in a role)Windows User Name: Contoso\AdministratorWindows Password: pass@word1Confirm Windows Password: pass@word112. Return to Central Administration and click on Manage service applications under Application Management.13. Click on Excel Services, and select Global Settings. Scroll to the bottom and in the Application ID field, enter ExcelServicesAppID_1.  Click OK.Thanks to Pej, my x-pat blue and white fan

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